natural gypsum

Granular Aerial Grade Gypsum

February 21st, 2016|

Pacific Fertiliser releases a new Granular aerial grade gypsum product. To compliment the existing 2-4mm granular gypsum and REGYP's SSG10 recycled gypsum products, the larger 4-12mm granules offer the following: lower cost compared to 2-4mm gypsum granules larger granules assist with product flow in aircraft hoppers and small conical spreaders granular gypsum uses super fine

Granular Gypsum

January 22nd, 2016|

Pacific Fertiliser produce a granular gypsum product suitable for air seeder and aircraft application. The 2-4mm granular gypsum is made locally from blending various domestic sources of natural gypsum together to make consistent and stable particles. We then re screen the product after granulation to ensure there are no fines present. For sport turf applications


July 16th, 2015|

Solubility in soil conditioners, such as gypsum, lime and dolomite are very important.  The key to solubility is mainly in particle size.  The finer the product, whether it be in gypsum, lime, dolomite or any other natural occurring mineral the quicker the result. Natural raw gypsum, aglime and dolomite should be applied at least six months

Gypsum Comparison Results 2015

April 8th, 2015|

Pacific Fertiliser recently undertook detailed research into the bulk agricultural gypsum products available on the eastern seaboard of Australia. This research continues on from the NSW Department of Primary Industries work in 1996 which was reported in the AgFact AC.10 (Agdex 514) document. The gypsum samples were obtained from various agricultural gypsum sources either ex

Gypsums Ain’t Gypsums

February 17th, 2015|

We recently have undertaken a large study to bench mark different gypsum products from different mines and processing plants to ascertain their quality in a 3rd party laboratory. See the results from the study where we used a NSW Ag Facts method to test gypsum solubility. Study link We also have a free Gypsum

Organic Soil Amendments and Fertiliser

September 16th, 2013|

Pacific Fertiliser sells various types of organic soil amendment products. These include: - Ag Lime (calcium source and pH adjustment) - Gypsum (source of calcium  and sulphur) - Soft Rock Phosphate (source phosphorous and calcium with some pH adjustment) - Dolomite (source of calcium and magnesium with pH adjustment) - Guano - Fish meal -

Pacific Fertiliser Sales

July 8th, 2013|

To avoid confusion between natural mined products and recycled gypsum products, we have started PACIFIC FERTILSER to separate the natural products from REGYP. From July 1 2013,  sales will go through the following process: PACIFIC FERTILISER - from 1 July 2013, sells all the natural mined products inc mined gypsum, phosphate rock, lime, bentonite

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