tailored fertiliser blends

New Deep Placement Products

August 29th, 2023|

New Deep Placement Products coming soon! Pacific Fertiliser is working on some new granular product blends for deep placement in the soil profile. The blends include: Deep placement soil conditioner products - using granular soil amendment products like gypsum, lime, dolomite and manure to correct specific sub soil constraints Deep placement fertiliser products - using

Fertiliser Blenders

August 2nd, 2023|

Pacific Fertiliser has purchased specialised Fertiliser blending equipment from the USA. Our aim is to offer bespoke blending services to customers for their tailored paddock blends (one-pass blends). These fertiliser blending systems will be available in regional areas where we can load our customers trucks, spreaders and groupers. In Addition to blending services for normal

Single Super Phosphate Alternatives

July 23rd, 2021|

As fertiliser in Australia becomes expensive and in tight supply, growers will look for fertiliser alternatives. One of those is a common fertiliser, super phosphate (SSP) or Superfect. With an analysis of  0-9-0-11 it is a low analysis fertiliser, but with phosphorous and sulphur it is a versatile product. Alternatives for Single Super are: Rock

Lucerne Fertiliser Blends

April 2nd, 2019|

Some Single Super - Sulphate of Potash blends for Lucerne crops: Single Super Potash Blend - SSP Pot 1&1 - (0-4-25-6 + 10% Ca) Single Super Potash Blend - SSP Pot 1&1 Mo.025% - (0-4-25-6 + 10% Ca + 0.25 Mo) Single Super Potash Blend - SSP Pot 2&1 - (0-6-17-7 + 13% Ca) Single

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