calciprill lime

Its Time to Lime

October 5th, 2019|

ITS TIME TO START ORGANISING YOUR AG LIME FOR NEXT SEASON PACIFIC FERTILISER can assist with Soil Mapping, Ag Lime Supply & Spreading. Often in the new year Ag Lime supply will get tight. It is better to get organised and get your soil tests or soil mapping completed before the end of the year to

Lime Application Rates

March 18th, 2019|

Agricultural lime spreading application rates The amount of Ag lime required to adjust soil pH, this will depend on the current soil pH, soil type, annual rainfall, farming systems and lime quality. It is recommended to take soil tests or complete some form of soil mapping to understand you your soil constraints and soil variability.

Granular Products 2019

December 10th, 2018|

Please follow the link to a small list of the some granular minerals, granular fertiliser and  custom granular fertiliser blends we can supply.

Granular Aerial Grade Lime

February 21st, 2016|

Pacific Fertiliser releases a new Granular aerial grade lime product. To compliment the existing 2-4mm and 2-6mm granular lime and fine, super fine and ultra fine ag lime products, the larger 4-12mm granules offer the following: lower cost compared to 2-4mm and 2-6mm ag lime granules larger granules assist with product flow in aircraft hoppers and small conical

Prilled Lime

October 22nd, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser is now selling a granular lime product similar to Calciprill ex Brisbane. We can offer 1-2mm, 2-4mm, 2-6mm & 4-12mm granules.

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