fertiliser prices

Summer Update

November 26th, 2021|

Most growers are in for a wet finish. On the fertiliser price forecast there isn't too much good news either, as prices continue to rise and supply tightens. Energy and shipping cost increases, coupled with a lack of supply are keeping fertiliser prices at historical highs. If you are looking for your 2022 winter crop

Single Super Phosphate Alternatives

July 23rd, 2021|

As fertiliser in Australia becomes expensive and in tight supply, growers will look for fertiliser alternatives. One of those is a common fertiliser, super phosphate (SSP) or Superfect. With an analysis of  0-9-0-11 it is a low analysis fertiliser, but with phosphorous and sulphur it is a versatile product. Alternatives for Single Super are:

Fertiliser Update

June 12th, 2020|

We are finally seeing some decent rain in a lot of growing areas with hopefully the top of NSW and Southern/Central QLD to finally see some good rainfall this weekend. The current conditions will see a run on Urea top dressing which could put pressure on stocks during the growing season with a lot of

Top Dressing Grade Fertilisers

January 21st, 2020|

What is Top Dressing Grade Fertiliser? Generally top dressing grade fertiliser is granular fertiliser that is suitable for broad cast spreading using a belt spreader. Given belt spreaders are more forgiving on particle size distribution, Pacific Fertiliser have developed a cheaper fertiliser product suitable for Top dressing. Pacific Fertiliser can take second grade fertiliser (lumpy

Low Fertiliser Prices

May 14th, 2017|

Fertiliser prices are at a 10 year low after weak global demand and surplus global stock. Despite high demand for fertiliser locally and a low Australian Dollar the prices of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium fertiliser remain low compared to previous years. Urea prices have slipped by around $60/t compared to other winter sowing seasons where

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