palm bulk

Custom Fertiliser Blends

April 26th, 2014|

Balance A quality fertiliser should have a balance of all the nutrients needed for optimum plant growth, yield, and quality. Does your fertiliser contain more than N-P-K? Does it include calcium and sulfur? How about trace minerals? If you answered yes, than you are part of the way toward a quality fertiliser. If you said

Elemental Sulphur Blends

April 16th, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser can blend elemental sulphur (or sulphur bentonite) in with most of its products including phosphate rock and gypsum. Benefits of Sulphur: • Sulphur is known to improve the metabolism of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. • Elemental sulphur can be used where sulphur deficiency in soils is known to exist. • Application of sulphate

Screened Gypsum Special

April 3rd, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser is offering a special deal of 6mm screened mined gypsum for the special price of $ per tonne. We have 3000 tonne stockpiled onsite in Brisbane and offer a 2014 Autumn special until this stockpile is sold. The sub 6mm natural gypsum has a purity of 96%, a mean particle size of 0.5mm

Aerial Grade Gypsum

March 5th, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser's aerial grade gypsum GranGyp24 is a granular 2-4mm product. The product provides minimal dust and very flowable properties, suitable for aerial applications. The gypsum used is of high quality providing good levels of sulphur and calcium. We can also do granule sizes of 1-2mm and 4-12mm. Note all the granulated gypsum products are

Mangesium Blends

February 4th, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser can provide magnesium blended into your products providing a one pass solution to meet your soil requirements. Magnesium (Mg) deficiency can be detrimental plants.  Magnesium can be easily leached away in strongly acidic, light or sandy soils. While this is an essential element for all plants, these crops have been found to be especially


January 16th, 2014|

PacFert releases a new blended product called REMAP. A blend containing Urea, DAP, Rock Phosphate, Lime and Gypsum. REMAP has good levels of N, P, K, S and Ca. Which provides you with a good base of soil nutrients in a single low cost application. PRODUCT Nitrogen (N) Phosphorous (P) Potassium (K) Sulphur (S) Calcium

QLD Projects using Gypsum

January 11th, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser supplies high quality gypsum & lime into the majority of the major QLD mining projects due to the superior quality of its products and reliability of delivery. Some application include stabilisation, rehabiliation, flocculation and water treatment. Coal Projects Wandoan Juandah Metrocoal $10M Chinchilla Glen Wilga Coal Mine Tarong Energy $500M Kogan Kogan Creek

Reducing Soil Acidity

January 9th, 2014|

Dolomite and AG lime are the only natural products that will decrease your soils acidity thereby rectifying the problem. Dolomite is valued for its magnesium content and it is this, which distinguishes it from limestone. Dolomite and Ag lime (limestone) both neutralise soil acidity but only dolomite can correct magnesium deficiencies in the soil. Magnesium,


January 9th, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser sells many forms of Ag Lime (limestone) such as ground ag lime, prilled ag lime, fine ag lime and ultra fine ag lime. We also sell carbide lime, quick lime and hydrated lime. These products are available mainly from Brisbane, Sydney and Cowra, but we also have many region locations which enable us

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