prilled gypsum

Granular Products 2019

December 10th, 2018|

Please follow the link to a small list of the some granular minerals, granular fertiliser and  custom granular fertiliser blends we can supply.

Granular Aerial Grade Lime

February 21st, 2016|

Pacific Fertiliser releases a new Granular aerial grade lime product. To compliment the existing 2-4mm and 2-6mm granular lime and fine, super fine and ultra fine ag lime products, the larger 4-12mm granules offer the following: lower cost compared to 2-4mm and 2-6mm ag lime granules larger granules assist with product flow in aircraft hoppers and small conical

Granular Aerial Grade Gypsum

February 21st, 2016|

Pacific Fertiliser releases a new Granular aerial grade gypsum product. To compliment the existing 2-4mm granular gypsum and REGYP's SSG10 recycled gypsum products, the larger 4-12mm granules offer the following: lower cost compared to 2-4mm gypsum granules larger granules assist with product flow in aircraft hoppers and small conical spreaders granular gypsum uses super fine

Granulated Minerals and Fertiliser

February 2nd, 2016|

Pacific Fertiliser do a range of granulated ag minerals, granulated fertiliser blends, through to granulated blends with chicken manure. We use domestic minerals and fertiliser for our granulated products, which not only supports our local economy but also ensures there is biodiversity risk from imported goods. We re-screen the products after being granulated to ensure sizing

Granular Gypsum

January 22nd, 2016|

Pacific Fertiliser produce a granular gypsum product suitable for air seeder and aircraft application. The 2-4mm granular gypsum is made locally from blending various domestic sources of natural gypsum together to make consistent and stable particles. We then re screen the product after granulation to ensure there are no fines present. For sport turf applications

Prilled Gypsum

October 22nd, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser has reduced its granular gypsum costs through increased production in Brisbane.

Prilled Lime

October 22nd, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser is now selling a granular lime product similar to Calciprill ex Brisbane. We can offer 1-2mm, 2-4mm, 2-6mm & 4-12mm granules.

QLD Gypsum Products

May 26th, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser supplies numerous gypsum products into the QLD market. The gypsum products include: - QLD Mined gypsum - QLD Screened mined gypsum - QLD Milled gypsum - QLD superflocc gypsum - QLD Prilled gypsum & QLD Granulated gypsum - QLD gypsum blends (with products like phosphate, lime, elemental sulphur etc) - QLD Recycled gypsum

Aerial Grade Gypsum

March 5th, 2014|

Pacific Fertiliser's aerial grade gypsum GranGyp24 is a granular 2-4mm product. The product provides minimal dust and very flowable properties, suitable for aerial applications. The gypsum used is of high quality providing good levels of sulphur and calcium. We can also do granule sizes of 1-2mm and 4-12mm. Note all the granulated gypsum products are

Product Bulk Densities

November 19th, 2013|

Our products have varying bulk densities. The figures below offer a density guide only, as sizing, loose bulk and bagged products greatly affect the bulk density of each product.   Before spreading it is best to check in field and on the phone before spreader calibration. • Mined Gypsum – 1.3 to 1.5 tonne per

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