Tweed Organic Fertiliser Blend
An organic fertiliser blend being spread at Cabarita in the Northern Rivers of NSW. The organic blend was tailored to suit the farming operations and soil tests. It included lime, dolomite, soft rock phosphate, composted
SonicZ Fertiliser
SonicZ Fertiliser is a high analysis compound fertiliser product manufactured to provided a balanced nutrition of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur and zinc. The high analysis granular fertiliser product boosts crop development and performance. An ideal cropping
Potato Fertiliser Blend
Pacific Fertiliser manufacture a tailored fertiliser blend to be used as a base fertiliser for potato crops. Providing much needed macro and micro nutrients required to produce a high quality high yielding crop. The general
Spring Time Fertilisers
SPRING FORECAST It's shaping up to be a great spring! With forecasts of above average rainfall predicted for the Eastern states, it is important to make the most of tailored fertiliser applications that boost pasture
Slow Release Nitrogen
When conventional soluble fertilisers are applied to the soil, the plant only consumes a fraction of the nutrients. Leaching, denifrification, volatilisation, and other processes can cause substantial losses. Polymer & carbon coated urea is now
Organic Aerial Blend
Pacific Fertiliser just delivered an aerial grade organic fertiliser blend consisting of soft rock phosphate, sulphur, boron and biology with added fulvic/humic acid. This blend was tailored to suit the operations measured soil, plant tissue
Fertiliser Update
We are finally seeing some decent rain in a lot of growing areas with hopefully the top of NSW and Southern/Central QLD to finally see some good rainfall this weekend. The current conditions will see
Stock Feed Additives
Stock Feed Additives that are used and sold by Pacific Fertiliser A Max Ultra Yeast Culture AMAXYE Aluminium Sulphate ALUMSULP Ammonium Chloride AMMCHLOR Ammonium Sulphate AMSUL Availa 4 AVAILA4 Availa Zn 120 AVAILAZN Bentonite Granular
Western Sydney Dam Works
Pacific Fertiliser is providing products and services to large Western Sydney Civil projects for large dam, batter and road works. We are not only supplying and delivering lime, gypsum and bentonite, but we are also
Silicon in Fertiliser Blends
Pacific Fertiliser can provide plant available silicon (si) in fertiliser blends by using the following products in the fertiliser blends: soft rock phosphate palagonite guano agrisilica silica booster (crop silicon booster) calcium silicate Studies have
Brisbane Magnesium Blends
Pacific Fertiliser can provide magnesium in your fertiliser blend where required. We can blend the following products to provide magnesium (Mg) in fertiliser blends: dolomite magnesium carbonate magnesium sulphate (kieserite) magnesium oxide Also available from
Open For Business – Covid19
All of Pacific Fertiliser's sites are currently open and our trucks are running to supply our agricultural customers. We have internal measures in place to ensure we are upholding the best hygiene and worker distancing