pacific fertiliser

Fertiliser Application Rate Conversion Charts

May 28th, 2017|

Fertiliser Spreading Conversion Tables Appendix A contains conversion tables for fertiliser application rates, weights, and areas. Table 1 - Fertiliser application rate conversions kg/ha kg/acre cwt*/acre Small bag/ha Small bag/acre 50 20 1 0.4 100 40 2 0.8 125 50   1 2.5 1 150 60 3 1.2 175 70 3.5 1.4 200 81 4 1.6 225 90

Clubroot Treatment

April 28th, 2017|

Quick lime (aka hot lime) is used in preference to normal Ag lime or slaked lime for agriculture applications in some horticultural crops especially for treating clubroot Clubroot is caused by the pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae. It affects plants of the brassica family which includes broccoli, broccolini, cauliflower, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, turnips and Brussels sprouts as

WengFu Fertiliser Products & Blends

April 13th, 2017|

Straight Fertliser Nitrogen Urea - Granular Wengfu Slam - Granular SOA Phosphorus MAP - Mono ammonium phosphate Wengfu Grain Legume King Wengfu PrimeZinc 10 DAP - Di ammonium phosphate Wengfu Pasture King S5 C56 SSP - Single Superphosphate Potassium Muriate Of Potash (M-Potash) SOP- Sulphate of Potash Sulphur Wengfu SuStain Wengfu Prime MSZ (10-18-0-8 +0.5%

Impact Fertiliser Products

April 13th, 2017|

NITROGEN 46-0-0-0 UREA Granular 20-0-0-24 SOA Sulphate of Ammonia PHOSPHOROUS 10-22-0-2 MAP 18-20-0-2 DAP 16-18-0-12 Dap Star 0-21-0-2 TSP Triple Superphosphate 0-9-0-11 SSP Single Superphosphate 0-9-0-11 SSP Mo0.025% 0-9-0-11 SSP Mo0.05% 0-5-0-42 Pasture S42 POTASSIUM 0-0-50-0 MOP Muriate of Potash 0-0-42-17 SOP Sulphate of Potash SPECIALTY 0-0-0-20 HiMag Mg 15% 0-0-12-19 Kiesium S Mg

Impact Fertiliser Horticultral Blends

April 13th, 2017|

08:04:08:17 All Purpose D (SOP) 08:04:10:14 All Purpose D (MOP) 8-10-10-9 Horti Pro 1 10-5-13-12 Horti Pro 2 11-5-10-17 Horti Pro 3 (SOP) 15-3-7-17 Horti Pro 7 12-5-7-17 Horti Pro 8 (SOP) 12-5-16-11 Horti Pro 200 22-5-8-9 Horti Pro 400 6-14-14-3 Horti Pro 600 8-11-10-8 Horti Pro 800 16-8-9-11 Horti Pro 900 9-4-5-18 Horti Pro

2016 Harvest

November 23rd, 2016|

Three of Pacific Fertiliser's trucks have headed off to help with moving the high yielding grain crops this year. With Rural Bank forecsting a 2106 winter crop yield 50 million tonnes with a lot depending on the quality of grain in Central West NSW, after the wet winter and water damage.

Law of Return – Organic Farming

March 12th, 2016|

Around the end of the First World War, Albert Howard & his wife were convinced that soil was not simply a base for chemical additives. It was an intricate living system that required a wildly complex mix of nutrients in plant and animal waste: harvest leftovers, manure. The Howards summed up their ideas in what they


October 27th, 2015|

Boron is a micronutrient that is essential to plant growth. The natural trace element Boron is involved in cell division and development and deficiencies are often seen as stunting and deformation of growing points in plants. Adequate boron is necessary for proper absorption of macronutrients. Overfarming, extremely in hot and cold weather conditions, drought, an

Fertiliser Supplies

October 25th, 2015|

Some of the Fertiliser that Pacific Fertiliser supplies.   ACACIA ESTABLISHMENT ACACIA MID ROTATION ACADIAN SSE (100% seaweed extract) 1.10 0.65 13.00 2.5, 5 ActeVator Compost AfterGraze Ag Lime AGRICULTURAL LIME 39.0 0.1 25 kg AGRICULTURAL LIME 39.0 0.2 25, 1K AGRIFORM TREE TABLETS 10g 20.0 4.3 4.1 3 10 kg AGRIFORM TREE TABLETS 21g

Effect of gypsum in the Gwydir Valley

October 13th, 2015|

Effect of gypsum on vertisols of the Gwydir Valley, New South Wales. 1. Soil properties and wheat growth DC McKenzie and HB So Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 29(1) 51 - 62 Published: 1989 Abstract The effect of gypsum on the properties and crop productivity of 6 contrasting vertisols of the Gwydir Valley, New South

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